In this episode, we can’t help but laugh out loud while chatting about 1963’s masterful magic comedy The Sword In The Stone. Why is this movie still underrated even today? How great is it that the Sherman Brothers are finally writing songs for these things? Who’s more prone to self-aggrandizement – the character of Merlin or the writer Bill Peet? All this and more!
Me, Mom & The Mouse is a podcast about the joy of watching cartoons with your family. If you like this episode, please subscribe and join us each Friday as we watch every film in the Disney Animated Canon and talk about how it was made, what it means, and why we love it (or don’t.)
Music: The Show Must Be Go by Kevin MacLeod Link: License:
Quite possibly the most infamous Disney animated film of all time. The one that was buried for over 13 years. The one everyone involved...
This week Mom and Isaac are talking Hercules – HONEY YOU MEAN HUNK-ULES – the Disney movie with the great art style, beloved characters,...
Isaac and Mom put Shorts Madness (aka the Wartime Era) to bed with the surprisingly lovely Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad. Listen as...